Never underestimate the initiative of undergraduate students.

Last week one of our students here at MBI noticed that N. T. Wright was scheduled on Monday, Nov. 7th, to give an evening lecture at Chicago’s 4th Presbyterian Church on Michigan Ave., presumably one of many stops on an American book tour promoting his Simply Jesus and The Kingdom New Testament. Desiring to take advantage of Wright’s timely stop in Chicago, the student contacted Wright directly and invited him also to come to MBI to give not one, but two lectures on his forthcoming books. To my surprise, Wright has graciously accepted and will speak to our students in both the morning and afternoon on Nov. 7th, before lecturing in the evening down the road at 4th Pres. Church. So, my heartfelt thanks go out to Wright in advance for including us on his tour, and to Parker H., a mere student who took the initiative (and indeed had the cojones) to invite such an important thinker as Wright to our campus. The plan is to record both talks, so if possible I will try to obtain and upload them in due course.

Update: Since the event has been moved into Torrey-Grey Auditorium, there should be plenty of seating for both lectures. However, if non-MBI students and staff are planning to attend, I would suggest calling the institute beforehand to ensure you will be permitted to park on campus; sometimes campus security can be rather strict.